Sake Manufacturers

Tatenokawa Sake Brewery



Sake's Rising Star from the North

Nestled in the heart of Yamagata Prefecture is Tatenokawa, a sake brewery renowned for both its traditional methods and innovative approaches. A visit to this prestigious brewery is akin to stepping back in time while simultaneously peeking into the future of sake production.

A Glimpse into Tatenokawa's Rich History


Established in the early 19th century, Tatenokawa has weathered the test of time, evolving and adapting with each generation. This resilience, combined with a respect for tradition and a drive for innovation, has positioned Tatenokawa as one of the premier sake breweries in Japan. Its storied past reflects the dedication of the artisans who have poured their heart and soul into each bottle.

Yamagata: The Perfect Terroir for Sake Brewing

Yamagata's pristine environment offers the ideal backdrop for sake brewing. Characterized by its crisp, cold winters and abundant pure water sources, the region provides optimal conditions for sake rice cultivation and fermentation. The natural blessings of Yamagata form the very essence of Tatenokawa's exquisite brews.

Junmai Daiginjo: Tatenokawa's Signature

Junmai Daiginjo, the crème de la crème of sake, represents Tatenokawa’s exclusive focus. This elite category requires precision, with rice grains polished to at least 50% of their original size. Tatenokawa's dedication to this style results in a sake that is fragrant, delicate, and unmatched in clarity. Each sip offers a harmonious symphony of flavors, a testament to the brewery's mastery.

The Art and Science Behind the Brew

Sake brewing at Tatenokawa is both an art and a science. Each step, from selecting the finest sake rice to the delicate fermentation process, is executed with precision. Traditional methods are employed, such as hand-polishing the rice and relying on natural fermentation, ensuring the integrity and purity of the final product. This meticulous approach guarantees a consistent and premium sake experience for enthusiasts.

A Commitment to Sustainability

Tatenokawa’s mission extends beyond just sake production. Recognizing their responsibility to the environment, the brewery has implemented eco-friendly practices, from water conservation to sustainable farming partnerships. Their efforts underscore a vision for a sustainable future, where premium sake production coexists harmoniously with nature.

Pairing Tatenokawa Sake: A Culinary Experience

Every sake from Tatenokawa is a journey of flavors, and when paired with the right dish, it elevates the dining experience. Whether it's a traditional Japanese kaiseki or a Western gourmet dish, Tatenokawa's brews bring out nuanced flavors, complementing and enhancing the culinary delights on the plate.

Deeply understand the flavor of the Tatenokawa

Visiting Tatenokawa: A Journey for the Senses


For those yearning to delve deeper, Tatenokawa welcomes visitors with open arms. Guided tours offer insights into the intricate brewing process, while tastings provide an opportunity to savor a curated selection of their finest brews. Surrounded by the scenic beauty of Yamagata, a visit to Tatenokawa is both an educational and sensory delight.


Celebrating Tradition, Embracing the Future

Tatenokawa stands as a testament to the allure of sake – a beacon of tradition, quality, and innovation. As they honor their past and look to the future, one thing remains certain: Tatenokawa’s dedication to excellence will continue to captivate sake enthusiasts around the world.

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-Sake Manufacturers