Sake Manufacturers

Gekkeikan: Delving into the Heart of Kyoto's Illustrious Sake Brewery

Steeped in history and tradition, Kyoto is not only Japan’s cultural capital but also a key region in the country's rich sake heritage. Among the myriad of sake producers in the area, Gekkeikan stands as an epitome of dedication, innovation, and craftsmanship. Journey with us as we explore the intriguing world of Gekkeikan, a beacon in Kyoto's sake universe.

Introduction: Gekkeikan - A Symbol of Kyoto's Sake Legacy

Gekkeikan, with its storied past dating back to 1637, epitomizes the time-honored traditions of Kyoto. The brewery's name, meaning "crown of laurel", symbolizes quality and achievement.

Kyoto: The Historic Cradle of Sake Brewing

A. The Scenic Beauty of Fushimi

Nestled in the district of Fushimi, renowned for its soft water, Gekkeikan benefits from the region's natural bounty, pivotal for sake brewing.

B. Kyoto's Sake Heritage

Gekkeikan's legacy is intricately tied to Kyoto's long-standing history as a hub for refined sake production.

The Artistry Behind Gekkeikan's Brews


A. Time-honored Techniques

From selecting the finest rice to employing traditional fermentation processes, Gekkeikan's commitment to age-old techniques shines through in every bottle.

B. Modern Innovations

While valuing tradition, Gekkeikan hasn't shied away from innovation, integrating state-of-the-art technology to ensure consistent quality.

Gekkeikan’s Contribution to Global Sake Culture


A. Spreading the Love for Sake

From establishing a brewery in the USA to its global distribution network, Gekkeikan has been instrumental in introducing sake to palates worldwide.

B. Awards and Recognitions

Gekkeikan's dedication to excellence hasn't gone unnoticed, with numerous accolades testifying to its premium quality.

Beyond Sake: Gekkeikan's Diverse Portfolio

A. Plum Wines and Liqueurs

Expanding their repertoire, Gekkeikan also offers exquisite plum wines and other liqueurs, catering to diverse tastes.

B. Initiatives in Sustainability

Gekkeikan's commitment extends beyond brewing, with significant efforts channeled towards environmental sustainability and community welfare.

Experiencing Gekkeikan: From Tours to Tastings


A. A Walk Through History

Gekkeikan's Okura Sake Museum offers visitors an immersive experience into the world of sake, complete with historical exhibits and tastings.

B. The Gekkeikan Tradition

A sip of Gekkeikan is a journey through time, echoing the melodies of Kyoto and the passion of countless brewers.


Gekkeikan, a jewel in Kyoto's crown, serves as a testament to the beauty of tradition harmoniously blended with innovation. As sake continues to captivate hearts globally, Gekkeikan remains a torchbearer, illuminating the path with its radiant legacy.

Top 10 Other Prominent Sake Breweries

Recommended lineup of Gekkeikan sake available in the U.S.

-Sake Manufacturers