How to Enjoy Whiskey

How to drink Japanese Whisky

Japanese whisky is a premium spirit that has gained worldwide recognition for its unique taste profile. Whisky lovers are continually seeking new ways to enjoy this exquisite drink, and in this blog post, we will share some tips on how to drink Japanese whisky to get the most out of its distinct taste.

Bartender Making Drink

The Right Glass

Choosing the right glass is crucial when it comes to enjoying Japanese whisky. The glass you use can affect the taste and aroma of the whisky. The most commonly used glass for whisky tasting is the Glencairn glass. This glass is designed to enhance the whisky's flavors and aromas by concentrating them towards the nose. The shape of the glass also allows you to swirl the whisky, which releases its complete flavor profile. A rocks glass is also a good option, especially if you prefer your whisky chilled. It allows you to add ice without compromising the taste. However, avoid using a shot glass as it is too small to appreciate the whisky's flavor fully. The shape of the shot glass also doesn't allow the aromas to develop and concentrate, thus diminishing the experience.

Adding Water or Ice

Adding water to your Japanese whisky can enhance its taste by reducing the alcohol burn and revealing more of the whisky's flavor profile. The water also opens up the flavors and aromas of the whisky, making it easier to distinguish and appreciate. If you prefer your whisky chilled, you can add ice, but keep in mind that it can dilute the whisky's flavor. To avoid this, you can use a large ice cube or whisky stones, which will chill the whisky without melting and diluting it. Another option is to refrigerate the glass before pouring the whisky. This will cool the whisky without the need for ice.

Sipping and Tasting

To fully appreciate Japanese whisky, it is essential to sip and taste it correctly. Take a small sip and hold the whisky in your mouth for a few seconds. As you hold the whisky in your mouth, breathe in through your nose to enhance the aroma. Then, swallow and note the aftertaste. The aftertaste can reveal more about the whisky's flavor profile and quality. Repeat the process a few times to fully appreciate the whisky's complex flavor profile.

Pairing with Food

Japanese whisky is versatile and can be paired with different types of food. Sushi and sashimi are traditional Japanese dishes that pair well with Japanese whisky. The umami flavors of the food complement the whisky's flavors, creating a harmonious experience. Other options include grilled meats, cheese, and chocolate. Experiment with different dishes to find your favorite pairing.

The Importance of Temperature

The temperature at which you drink your Japanese whisky can also affect the taste. If you drink it at room temperature, you will get the full flavor profile of the whisky. However, if you prefer your whisky chilled, make sure you don't overdo it with the ice. Adding too much ice can dilute the whisky and ruin the experience. You can also refrigerate your glass before pouring the whisky, which will cool it down without the need for ice.

The Art of Drinking Whisky

Drinking Japanese whisky is an art, and you should take your time to enjoy it. Don't rush through your drink; instead, savor every sip. Take your time to appreciate the complex flavors and aromas of the whisky. You should also experiment with different types of Japanese whisky to find the one that suits your taste. Japanese whisky comes in different styles, including single malt, blended, and grain whisky. Each style has its unique flavor profile, and it's worth trying them all to discover your favorite.


Drinking Japanese whisky is a unique experience that can be enhanced by following these tips. Remember to choose the right glass, add water or ice to your preference, and savor each sip to appreciate the whisky's unique taste fully. Be adventurous and try different pairings to find what works best for you. Cheers!

-How to Enjoy Whiskey